Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hole, Whole, and Holy

While reading the other day I stumbled upon an interesting peculiarity in the English language. Have you ever noticed that if you add a "w" to the word hole, you change the meaning to the exact opposite? And more interesting still, that if you replace the "e" with a "y" you again get a word with a profoundly different and opposite meaning? This prompted me to trace the origins of the words and I found that the roots were Germanic - which, frankly, means absolutely nothing to me. So, perhaps I am placing meaning where there is none, but I think I have found an intriguing connection.

When your spirit is lacking nourishment, it feels as though your soul, your life, has a "hole" that needs to be filled with something, anything to vanquish the emptiness inside. Now, we have all journeyed into the depths of depression at one time or another. We have all felt that desperate longing to fill the void with material objects, or people. Thinking if only we could have this or if only that person would love me - then, and only then could we be whole. I have been down that road many times and every time I have gone there, my "hole" only seemed to grow deeper.

However, over time I have learned I am at my most complete state when I am giving. My happiest and most joyful moments are born of service. When I can connect with another human being - even if it is only an uplifting smile - my heart is most fulfilled. I get "high" on even the idea of making a difference in someone's life. Essentially, when I saturate myself with the energy of granting wishes, my own desperation to have more is absorbed by the light I can create in another.

This "aha" made me wonder, what if I combated the inevitable down turns in my life by throwing myself into a state of giving to others in need? What if I became "whole" by filling the "hole" in another's spirit? I know this is just the opposite of what most people suggest when you are feeling drained, but stick with me here. I am not suggesting you give away energy you do not have when you are at your lowest point, but rather that you give away the energy you do have when you are at your lowest point. Instead of protecting your low reserves - invest that energy into a project you love, and then watch your energy grow and morph into the completeness you were longing for. Give away the God-given gifts and talents that were bestowed upon you with abandon and I suspect that any "holes" you may have in your life would simply disappear in the afterglow of serving humanity. Now, we all have very unique and important gifts to offer - artists bring beauty into the world, teachers enlighten our minds, and builders provide homes. What are my special gifts, and how can I give them to the world are the first questions you can ask yourself when you are down. Try it, and see what happens - amazing opportunities are created from the energy of giving.

When we live our lives as an empty "hole" to be filled by other people and material possessions, we find ourselves on the path to misery. I have come to learn the only way to be truly "whole" is through sharing our gifts with those who need them. That by serving the good stuff of life to others, we fill any "holes" that linger in our own souls. And further, when we become "whole" by pouring love into the lives of others we are following a truly "holy" path. When your life is running on empty - try filling up by giving away yellow M&M's to all you encounter - and just maybe you'll find what you were looking for all along.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to mention that I love the direction you're going with the blog. These are great topics and you are clearly sharing your inner-most thoughts, which is very inspiring. ~ Love
