Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This One is for My Ladies

There is a bond between women that men will never understand, but will always want to. The sisterhood that comes from simply being female is a complex beast of a relationship that we don't really fully understand ourselves. And I suppose the fact that we don't really need to, ties that bond even tighter. It is mysterious and beautiful, this thing that happens between girlfriends. I am blessed with so many strong, powerful women in my life that I don't dare question it. Rather, I am simply grateful for them and the gifts each generation adds to my life.

To the women in generations before me whose knowing and generous hearts give me encouragement and strength. Whose wisdom helps me see what lies ahead. Whose lessons of life come in simple demonstrations of experience that can simultaneously sadden and awe. For whom the everyday toils of womanhood show up in the laugh and frown lines surrounding your eyes. For those of you who offer guidance in the journey I must define myself. I thank you for your leadership.

To my sisters who have grown with me through the decades, who know me and help me find the way. You pick me up when I fall and show me the truth when I need it most. You know my troubles and I yours. We laugh at the same jokes and cry at the same movies. We have been through birth and death, marriage and divorce, prosperity and poverty, graduations and career changes, moves across the country to living under the same roof together. Yet, we are all still standing, still growing, still working to make a difference in this world, and still holding hands through it all. I thank you for your companionship.

To the little sisters out there - the daughters, the nieces, the little ones still too young to stand on your own feet. The hope in your heart fuels me, keeps me striving, keeps me real. I know that someday I must pass the torch of womanhood on to you. It is to you whom I must gladly answer to when my journey is complete - and I strive to move that torch to new and daring places for you. I thank you for the motivation to always do my best.

This Thanksgiving, in addition to my amazing family, I am thankful to all of my mothers and sisters and daughters for the inspiration and encouragement to keep moving forward and giving me a place where I know I always belong. I may never fully understand the connection and peace that comes from the women in my life - but I will be forever grateful for the shelter of sisterhood they provide.

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