Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Purpley Toes

Last night I decided to paint my toes purple. I was so excited with the outcome that I’m pretty sure I asked my husband about five hundred times if he liked my new purple toes – and with each prompting he would glance and murmur something that sounded like yes; I was so disappointed. I’m not sure what I expected, perhaps I wanted him to jump off the couch and kiss each toe in pure delight or create an impromptu song and dance about my perfect purple toes. I suppose I continued to ask because I simply could not fathom why he was not as elated as I was. But, looking back I can’t say that I have ever been too enthusiastic over the painting of another’s toes, so I couldn’t blame him for his lack of interest.  The contrast in our responses to my lovely lavender toes sparked a curiosity: Why exactly was I so happy about my purple toes?

I think many of you will relate that it is a big deal to find the time and motivation to do something as playful as painting your toenails in the middle of winter, with no impending event where one might see said toes. And I am certain that my degree of happiness had more to do with the idea that I was giving myself a little unscheduled, unplanned, and unnecessary attention than the nail polish itself. Having two small children dictates that I do not do these things fortuitously, only after I have taken care of all of the very important tasks and responsibilities on one of my many lists, do I normally allow myself such an indulgence. The problem with this approach is it can lead to months of unpedicured, chipped toenails and a whole list of other neglected areas.

Laura Ingalls-Wilder once said, “It is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.” This week, painting my toenails was one of the sweet, simple things in my life. Those purple toes reminded me to take the time to love myself in the way that I love each member of my family. I tend find caring for myself too luxuriously a bit frivolous and fanciful. It is really hard for me to justify spending time on things like painted toenails when the stack in my inbox is as high as Mount Kilimanjaro. There is always something more worthy and much less selfish calling for my attention. But, sometimes taking time to nurture ourselves is the least selfish thing a woman can do.

When we remember to nourish and love ourselves a little, our families can benefit. Marking little happy things on our calendars just for ourselves can recharge our batteries. And when our hearts are fully charged, caring for others can be refreshing. We just need to be careful, or as a friend of mine says, gentle with ourselves. Don’t forget to gift yourself with time to replenish so you can be there for those who need you.

 The concept to put a little care into ourselves is so simple, yet it is not easy to incorporate into our daily routines when we lead such demanding lives. I think it is so sad that many of us (me included) will continue to run on empty until our bodies send a very uncomfortable and rude awakening. And yet, it is much easier to postpone personal enrichment until it is eventually forgotten, sucking you into the downward cycle of an unconscious life. Protect yourself and the ones you love from this kind of negativity by taking time to rest and maybe even have a little fun – give yourself a little so you can give the world your heart.

I am so thankful to my exciting purple toes for reminding me that sometimes you have to put the lists aside and just relish in those sweet, simple things. I did a little research on little things you can do to keep your energy and spirits high. Here are some of the ideas I found:

Wake before the kids. Have a cup of tea and do a little inspirational reading and then get yourself ready before the kids wake, you might miss out on some sleep, but it is worth it because you feel centered and strong when it is time to get the day going.

Someday maybe lists. Keep a list of all the things you might want to do someday and add to it often. The fact that it says maybe takes some of the pressure off.

Eating a healthy lunch. Try to make something healthy and delicious for lunch as a little treat midday to keep your energy going. For instance, look at yummy salads from your favorite restaurants and replicate them – it’s just as good and as a bonus you’ll save money.

Self grooming. Doing fun little things for yourself like an at home mani and pedi or facial will make you feel special.  

Exercise. Moving your body and working your muscles does as much for your mind and spirit as it does for your body – I hear it’s really not so bad once you get into the habit.

Flowers. Buy yourself some flowers and smell them every time you walk by.

This is just a sampling of the many things we can do. We are all so different and have so many great ideas on how to incorporate little nuggets of happiness into our days, I would love to hear all of your tricks – Please share any that come to mind!


  1. love love love it and yes I want purple toes and deserve them!

  2. Sometimes too we just want connection, to be sharing the same excitement for the same things. Jump in my purple Toe Boat with me.....PLEASE! Loved our meeting tonight. Your the perfect partner.....although there is so much more to talk about!
